Long Day's and Pleasant Nights

I read Christine in %th grade and have been a King fan ever since. THE Greastest American novelist since Hemingway. Others have written good stuff since (Fight Club is also a fav.) since steven hit the shelves but the single greatest story of modern man has got to be the Dark Tower series it is the one i read every year. Tolkein was a good template and the stories of the ring are magnificient, but the story of Roland and his journey stick to my heart and soul. I read The Gunslinger for the first time in 9th grade( a christmas gift) and love every one. My favorite is always the one i happen to be reading including th stories that are not specifically part of the series but link in(The Stand, Insomnia, Eyes of hthe Dragon, etc.) and add to the confusion that is the mastery of King writing. I am 33 now and live in Erie Pa. U.S.A. and will live by the gunsliger for life thankee sai. Thou R.F.(Walter or who ever he happens to be atm) is the most prolific caracter in King's writings on the surface Roland seems to be every where as well, if hidden and unmentioned and will always be my favorite character ever(Spiderman aka Peter Parker is a very close second- he is actually alittle closer to who i am). Thank You Steven King!