Hello, just wanted to say a quick thank you to everyone for supporting our first subscription box, and also for your patience. Not having done this before, and honestly starting this under the stressful circumstances has been an ‘interesting’ experience – to say the least. That being said I truly feel like we are in this together after all that we went through with The Nocturnal Reader’s Box and Vincent.

But this is a positive e-mail, hopefully, so let’s move on to bigger and better things.

The first box shipped out today – at least for all the domestic customers. Still working on the international ones but they should ship in the next day or two as well. We might hit our delivery goal (Halloween) for some of you, but some of you will be getting them a day or two later. Sorry for the delay, but again, we are learning on the fly how all of this works.

I hope you enjoy the inaugural box. I think we did a great job pulling this together quickly. I can say the December box is going to be sooooooo awesome. Just wait. J

I have no idea if tracking numbers will be e-mailed or how any of that works. My apologies. I have asked, but still don’t know. I know there are tracking numbers for each delivery, I just don’t have access to finding out how that works yet. I can say if you have any issues with delivery I’m happy to ship you another box, but let’s give it until say next Monday/Tuesday at the latest (for domestic customers) and for international sometime towards the latter part of next week. Not the best in details here, but again, thanks for your patience and hopefully our 2nd box will be a bit better organized and by our 3rd box we might even know what we are doing.

To wet your palate I have attached a short story (The Stranger) – mobi, epub and PDF files – written by the same author and in the same world as one of the books coming your way. This is a yet to be published short story so you guys are the 1st to receive it. Hopefully this will give you an idea of what we have in mind coming up, as we truly have some unique ideas for this adventure.

If this didn’t answer all of your questions, feel free to send me a note. Happy to answer with any details I have and will do my best to help.

Thanks again.
