I’m creating a placeholder here as a heads up. I’m going to be doing another giveaway, but this time with a little game/puzzle. I should be posting this sometime tomorrow. The game can be played for both interested and non-interested parties. What I mean by this is, I’m going to post a picture tomorrow with instructions. The first person to answer correctly wins the lot.

You can still play if you are not interested in winning the prize, just make sure to state ‘not-interested’ next to your answer/s. If that is the case the first person that is interested to answer correctly will actually get shipped the lot. If a non-interested player answers first, they get bragging rights.

Just so you are aware, the lot includes hardcover trade editions, some 1sts (I’m not going to list which ones, but don’t get too excited, all of my rare 1sts are on my shelves). Of course some may be second printings, or BCE, but most are in good shape and most DJs are in brodart.

I won’t reveal the answer until the following day giving time for anyone that wants to play to do so. I’m going to try to make this a bit tough, probably closer to medium toughness so that it’s not overly frustrating.

Hope it’s fun. Good luck to all that play.