any fans of his on here? to give a history well i'll try to make it as short as i can. he he back in the early 90's i'd pick up his books and look at his list of books he's done cause i had heard of the series whenever a new one was coming out.cause as we all know when it's being promoted part of a series you know it is.

anyways. for the longest time i saw how many books there were and when i was and i'm going to spell this wrong The Libaray back in (1995) i thought fuck it i'll give the guy a shot. and i read i think the 1st three books and i was hooked ever since.

now since i downloaded pretty much all his books since i don't own them all.only some of his 87th books. i am reading them in order

i already read Cop Hater which later did get an expanded version much like King did with the 1st Dark Tower book. he did that for i think a few of his books before he died in (2005) of Cancer. anyways, i forget if it was last year that i read Cop Hater again

cause i do own the actual book of that one. that i read it i'm thinking 2 years ago. anyways last year i think it was i read The Mugger. and as i've said many times on how

i have to be in the mood for any type of author, book or genre. i'm weird like that i'm now on "The Pusher' the 3rd book and 3rd release from (1956) the 1st year he put any of the series books out.

and i dunno if it's a spoiler or not the book is over 60 years old and it's not giving away who the killer is at all. but there's a scene i just got reading in it where one of the cop's son gets hooked onto Heroin i had to look the spelling right or else you wouldn't know what i was talking about.

anyways the cop son gets hooked onto that and so he locks him up into his room and the kid who's 17 or 18 years old is going through with drawl and it's heartbreaking the way it was written. and though i've never done that drug nor do i ever plan to.

it was bringing a little bit of tears to my eyes cause it was written so well.and you feel for the cop who is helpless and can't do nothing and sadly stuff like this does happen in the real world. it's hard to believe this was written in (1956) and not today well other than him calling his old man a square a 1950's term.

has anyone read this one?