Wow guys, I'm blown away by all your responses and enthusiasm! I tell you, throughout this project I had a lot of negative self-talk and came up with all the reasons why I can't do this. I did my best to ignore the voices, and based on what I'm seeing here, I'm pleased I did. Thank you.

A couple things I'd like to respond to:
  1. Copyright: As others have said, this is a non-issue. I'm not reprinting the book. I'm rebinding copies of the 1st edition. No different to what Jerome has done recently with The Stand and The Bachman Books. And besides, the whole King world is too sacred for me to go stomping around breaking rules.
  2. Price: I've had a lot of members asking about price. I'm in the middle of working out those details and as soon as I have a number, I'll post it.

Thanks again for all the positive responses. Means a lot.