I recently purchased a lot of 5 books off of ebay and when it arrived I was shocked at how shoddy the packaging was. The seller had half-assedly constructed his own box by cutting one box down and then taping it together with loose pieces of cardboard to make a smaller box. The first thing that jumped to my mind when I saw it was that it was a Franken-box. I half-expected an angry group of pitchfork-wielding villagers to come busting into my apartment to slay the monstrous package. There was a big tear down one edge of it that I could easily see the books through and inside of the Franken-box the books were tossed in loose and unprotected except for 2 blocks of coarse foam to take up the small amount of extra space. Did the seller really pack those books up, slap a shipping label on it, and think to himself 'yup, I've done a good job here?' Unbelievable.

I also bought a 1st edition copy of IT off of ebay recently and it came loose in a box wrapped in a single layer of tissue paper. Oh ya, that's going to protect this book from damage when the mailman literally throws the package in the back of his truck and then drops a heavy-ass box full of steel plates or something on top of it. I think this seller should take my money and invest it into his brilliant 'single-sheet-tissue-paper-protection' idea. Maybe a tissue paper airbag system for cars? How about tissue paper football helmets?

Anybody else have any funny, but not funny at the same time bad packaging stories?