I'm sorry if this should be in Manni village, but as the lore of the Man Jesus is not discussed much in DT, I thought it was appropriate enough for the general thread.

Ahem. As the title says, this is NOT A RELIGIOUS DISCUSSION (Religion makes for bad table talk, as you know)

My question is this. Why do they refer to the Christian Jesus as "Man-Jesus?" This may be just a little thing King does with the naming just to make it sound foreign and, I dunno, mythical. But To me, when someone says Man Jesus, it makes me think two things.

1) That Jesus is a figure only men, or humes, would be able to follow, or relate to, and they are the only ones that take up Jesus-centric faith. If this is true, however, why don't they simply call him "Hume-Jesus" or just "Jesus" instead of conferring him with a species-specific title. That brings me to my second point...
2) That there are multiple Christ figures, perhaps so many as one-per-race. However silly this may be (Such as Weasel-Jesus or Low-Jesus or Robo Christ, many other functions) it ties into point 1, by differentiating Man-Jesus from someone else with the same name that we never encounter or is never mentioned.

I know most likely King didn't give a second thought to naming him and I'm thinking about this for nothing, but I thought I'd get you guys' thoughts on this minimal, but interesting semantical quandry.