Now this is officially one of my favourite threads! You all have given great answers, and I can relate with many of them (reading, for example).

But my Tower is traveling. I'm constantly poor because of that, for I can't stay in Finland longer than maybe a few months, after that my feet begin to itch unbearably and I have to be on the Road again. So you could say I'm literally traveling the path of the Beams all the time.

The more stamps in my passport, the happier I am. I just want to see the whole world and all the miracles within. The most unforgettable trip of mine is two-months long trip around the world, during which I saw Malaysia, Australia, USA and more. But the most magical country for sure is Ireland, and I constantly long back there. I'm lucky to have great Irish friends whom I can visit whenever I want to.

I've sacrified quite a lot for my travels, my school for example - I've fallen behind more than appropriate. And money, of course. And more. My whole family lives abroad, scatterd around the world, so I'm rootless anyway - I feel like I don't belong anywhere at all, which can be at times a little depressing. But when I'm on the road again, I forget all about that, and my heart just sings. I feel myself truly free only when I'm traveling. I reach my Tower only when I die, and that one will be the last and greatest trip of all. Not that I'd want to reach it anytime soon! There's still other countries, other worlds to explore.

To quote my mother: 'I'm wondering when will this wanderlust end. Probably never, and I will end up slumping down somewhere by the pyramids of Egypt, at the age of 100.'