That... was idiotic. The whole thing. Did Dexter really need to steal Deb's body? It was stupid, and somehow nobody noticed, and it was creepy and morbid and holy shit dude just let them bury her or something. Oh, and now Hannah is stuck with a kid who isn't hers, and who she has no legal custody of, while she's a fugitive. Good parenting. And the lumberjack thing, was that supposed to be mysterious? I didn't care at that point. I couldn't believe he just drove his boat into the hurricane. I saw the boat being involved later, and the storm, because they forshadowed the shit out of both of them, but I thought he and Hannah would be on the run and drive into the storm instead of being captured. You know, something that MADE SENSE.

That whole episode could have been 15 minutes long if they had cut out the shitty dialog.