Wow, thought we got a fair bit of Alpha in the flashbacks, we still only got little glimpses of the current Alpha at the ends of both episodes. I don't mind waiting another 7 days to see her real debut. But I like the decision to build her up through Lydia's story, as it developed her quite a bit. Alpha doesn't really get much of a backstory in the comics so it will be nice to see her character fleshed out more in the TV series. I can already tell Morton is going to be great in the role. And I liked how they were Lydia's flashbacks, and how we got conflicting accounts in the flashbacks...part of it the narrative Alpha force fed to her, and part of it what really happened.

The writing has been pretty smart too. I liked Tara's no nonsense 'it's dangerous out here, we're going back and we're going to plan and think' approach. I liked that Magna didn't want to leave after nearly screwing their chance completely in Alexandria. It makes sense Magna's group would want to go find their friend, and it made sense they'd realize it wasn't smart to be out there, and it made sense a guard would be looking out for Magna's group to do something since they haven't fully earned trust yet to bring back the two sisters who stayed to look for Luke. And it made sense that The Whisperers would use them to track down The Hilltop. I don't mind characters making stupid decisions, especially emotional decisions, so long as it doesn't feel forced for plot reasons.

What I liked most about this arc in the comics is the slow burn, and even when an event happens, there's another slow burn to the next event. I was expecting the end of this episode to be the end of the premiere, but I'm glad they held off. They're taking their time, establishing the new characters.

A few comics panels...again, I wouldn't search for Alpha, Whisperers, Lydia when it comes to the comics. You will get spoilers in the google image search But I won't post anything unless it's happened on the show!

All the interrogation stuff on the show was much better. More time to work with. As good as the comics are, few scenes really get the room to breathe. Also how ironic is it that Jesus interrogates Lydia in the comics lol. Maggie too at the end of this issue!

Cool little comparison of the end of episode 909