View Full Version : Mr.Mercedes *****Spoilers!!!!!

06-11-2014, 02:09 AM
I have only started, so can't say anything yet, but since many people have read it, here's the thread.

06-12-2014, 09:45 PM
Just finished. Decent read but not that memorable. Brady was an interesting villain just because of how pathetic he was as opposed to some Hannibal mastermind. Jerome stood out to me as an annoying Mary Sue.

Tbh I'm not really sure if this needs another two books but we'll see.

06-14-2014, 05:03 PM
Finished it today. I liked it. I thought Hodges was a likable character and well written. Jerome was forgettable. Holly was too, really. But I liked Brady as the villain and thought he was well written also. I enjoyed it as a mystery story and will be interested to see what happens in the sequel as well as the short stories about the massacre.

I was pulling for Brady to be successful at the end.

06-14-2014, 05:04 PM
I'm about 250 pages into it and am enjoying it so far. While I was reading it today, I couldn't help but think that if they ever do a movie, Jessica Lange would be perfect for Brady's mom.

06-14-2014, 05:06 PM
Finished it today. I liked it. I thought Hodges was a likable character and well written. Jerome was forgettable. Holly was too, really. But I liked Brady as the villain and thought he was well written also. I enjoyed it as a mystery story and will be interested to see what happens in the sequel as well as the short stories about the massacre.

I was pulling for Brady to be successful at the end.

Well, in that case you should really consider therapy!! LOL Anyone else notice a "Det. Kinderman" resemblance (From "The Exorcist") in Det. Hodges?

06-14-2014, 06:08 PM
*** Spoilers abound ***

So, it's been almost a week since I finished it, and upon reflection, it really isn't aging well with me. King, who used to be so skilled at crafting villains, hasn't (in my eyes) created a memorable baddie since the mid-'90s (DT-related villains don't count), and Brady is no exception. I hated that King seemingly abandoned any sort of subtlety by reducing him to nothing but a racist mouth-breather, which I found completely unnecessary in his characterization (I know I complained about this on the other thread, but it still rankles me). Hodges, I liked well enough, but I don't like that he survived to the ending. Upon further review, I'd probably rate this half-hearted rehash of "Insomnia" a C, maybe a C+.

(By the by, it stymies me that this wasn't a Hard Case release. I found it more up their alley than "Joyland.")

06-14-2014, 06:13 PM
*** Spoilers abound ***

So, it's been almost a week since I finished it, and upon reflection, it really isn't aging well with me. King, who used to be so skilled at crafting villains, hasn't (in my eyes) created a memorable baddie since the mid-'90s (DT-related villains don't count), and Brady is no exception. I hated that King seemingly abandoned any sort of subtlety by reducing him to nothing but a racist mouth-breather, which I found completely unnecessary in his characterization (I know I complained about this on the other thread, but it still rankles me). Hodges, I liked well enough, but I don't like that he survived to the ending. Upon further review, I'd probably rate this half-hearted rehash of "Insomnia" a C, maybe a C+.

(By the by, it stymies me that this wasn't a Hard Case release. I found it more up their alley than "Joyland.")

I hear what you are saying and cannot disagree with any vehemence, but you have to admit that he was somewhat shallowly depicted, not a King trait at all. There were "levels" that were not explored with him and maybe that is for the rest of the trilogy. I hear, Brady somehow survives and lives to kill again in the upcoming tome's. Just a rumor, but what if.....?

06-15-2014, 03:20 PM
It's not necessarily Brady that turns up in the next instalment?

06-15-2014, 07:11 PM
It's not necessarily Brady that turns up in the next installment?

No, I'm saying that I think I read that he returns, but how is quite a mystery to me considering his condition at the end.

06-16-2014, 06:17 PM
Hodges reminded me of the detective from "A Good Marriage".

Also, I completely disagree with Steve. Except for the mention of Insomnia.

06-17-2014, 07:10 AM
I thought I was reading Intensity by Koontz. Except that book was better. Fast paced, a cool, calculated (but batshit) villain who doesn't fall apart when the action starts. Actually, if anyone really liked Mr. Mercedes and is looking for more of the same, Koontz's thrillers are where it's at.

Uncle Steve is losing me again. Doctor Sleep was all right, this book was all right too, 11/22/63 was all right. Joyland was fantastic though.

I enjoyed the ride and its maniacal pace. There were some neat turns of the phrase, some really touching moments and dialogue but Top Tier King this is not.

Lastly, this is the fourth book in a row that reads and feels the same. I mentioned this in my thoughts on 11/22/63 too. It's almost like he finished it, pushed the manuscript to the side and said, "Now to the next one."

06-17-2014, 11:47 AM
Was just outside reading Mr. Mercedes and an ice cream truck goes by. Uh oh.

06-18-2014, 08:13 AM
I threw up a proper review here (https://nottooterrible.wordpress.com/2014/06/18/review-mr-mercedes-by-stephen-king/)

06-18-2014, 09:48 AM
wish I could read it - had to suspend my reading of Mr.M (must write a lengthy article, for which need to reread a lot of Russian kids' literature right now)

06-19-2014, 11:40 PM
I thought I was reading Intensity by Koontz. Except that book was better. Fast paced, a cool, calculated (but batshit) villain who doesn't fall apart when the action starts. Actually, if anyone really liked Mr. Mercedes and is looking for more of the same, Koontz's thrillers are where it's at.

Uncle Steve is losing me again. Doctor Sleep was all right, this book was all right too, 11/22/63 was all right. Joyland was fantastic though.

I enjoyed the ride and its maniacal pace. There were some neat turns of the phrase, some really touching moments and dialogue but Top Tier King this is not.

Lastly, this is the fourth book in a row that reads and feels the same. I mentioned this in my thoughts on 11/22/63 too. It's almost like he finished it, pushed the manuscript to the side and said, "Now to the next one."

I had the same feeling with Under the Dome. But that book has been "rescued" with a second book and a TV series.


If one is satisfied with a decent detective novel...Mr. M will fulfill that role.

06-22-2014, 03:08 PM
Just finished it and really liked it overall. It was suspenseful and engaging throughout, and I never felt bored when reading it. I thought it was a perfect summer read, especially because it never tries to be anything more.

I liked both Jerome and Holly (and thought they were well written) but can understand why some readers may not have. Also liked King's characterization of Brady. I was worried when we first see his letter to Hodges because he seemed like a very stereotypical villain and that King was trying too hard, so I was happy to see that it was just Brady's façade.

I think Mr. Mercedes is good enough as a stand-alone novel, so I'm curious to see where King takes it from here. The ending with Brady waking up seems like a not-so-subtle nudge-nudge that he'll be back, so I'm wondering if the ending would've been as satisfying if MM wasn't going to be part of a trilogy. :orely:

the sequel as well as the short stories about the massacre.

Where did you hear this?

06-22-2014, 06:00 PM
Just finished it and really liked it overall. It was suspenseful and engaging throughout, and I never felt bored when reading it. I thought it was a perfect summer read, especially because it never tries to be anything more.

I liked both Jerome and Holly (and thought they were well written) but can understand why some readers may not have. Also liked King's characterization of Brady. I was worried when we first see his letter to Hodges because he seemed like a very stereotypical villain and that King was trying too hard, so I was happy to see that it was just Brady's façade.

I think Mr. Mercedes is good enough as a stand-alone novel, so I'm curious to see where King takes it from here. The ending with Brady waking up seems like a not-so-subtle nudge-nudge that he'll be back, so I'm wondering if the ending would've been as satisfying if MM wasn't going to be part of a trilogy. :orely:

the sequel as well as the short stories about the massacre.

Where did you hear this?

Yes, I heard this as well, I forget exactly maybe a post by, Bev with an interview or something. The SS would be along the lines of the opening chapter, where the back story of the victims and related folks gets more thorough treatment.

06-23-2014, 07:30 AM
Hmm...like a collection of short stories about City Center? I almost feel like we don't need any more about that, but who knows.

06-23-2014, 11:14 AM
Hmm...like a collection of short stories about City Center? I almost feel like we don't need any more about that, but who knows.

Yeah, I kinda agree, but then again as much as he touched on some of the back stories in MM I guess its on his mind and he has some ideas about where to go with it. While reading the book I had a nagging feeling that he was not quite done with the "City Center" yet.

06-23-2014, 12:55 PM
I had the same feeling, especially since before I started the book, I was thinking that it would begin with the City Center incident, rather than as happening a year earlier.

06-23-2014, 02:55 PM
Just finished it and really liked it overall. It was suspenseful and engaging throughout, and I never felt bored when reading it. I thought it was a perfect summer read, especially because it never tries to be anything more.

I liked both Jerome and Holly (and thought they were well written) but can understand why some readers may not have. Also liked King's characterization of Brady. I was worried when we first see his letter to Hodges because he seemed like a very stereotypical villain and that King was trying too hard, so I was happy to see that it was just Brady's façade.

I think Mr. Mercedes is good enough as a stand-alone novel, so I'm curious to see where King takes it from here. The ending with Brady waking up seems like a not-so-subtle nudge-nudge that he'll be back, so I'm wondering if the ending would've been as satisfying if MM wasn't going to be part of a trilogy. :orely:

the sequel as well as the short stories about the massacre.

Where did you hear this?

Dear Constant Reader,

Mr. Mercedes is the first volume of a projected trilogy concerning Bill Hodges, his friends…and his enemies. The second volume, Finders Keepers, is finished (in first draft, at least) and will be published in the first half of 2015, perhaps followed by a book of new stories in the fall (or not). Anyway, these three novels seem to revolve around the City Center Massacre that opens Mr. Mercedes. Because of that, I wanted to post a complete list of those killed and injured in Brady Hartsfield’s attack. Some of these unfortunates have other parts to play. As always, I’m glad you’re along for the ride, but be warned: there are some sharp turns ahead, and I’m a really crazy driver.

Stephen King


I read this and somehow put them together into the short stories being about the massacre. Rereading that letter, it doesn't appear to be the case. My bad.

As far as King's books of recent years go, they have not been his greatest works. With the exception of 11/22/63, imo. But they're still good and I have enjoyed most of them. Except for Dome. You have to temper your expectations. If you want to read his best stuff, read his earliest stuff.

06-23-2014, 03:32 PM
I don't think I agree. His later works have shown more maturity than the earlier ones. Not to put down the earlier ones, either--they're great also.


06-24-2014, 03:00 PM
King's recent stuff is all hit or miss. If it wasn't for the greatness of Duma Key I don't think I would have missed much if he'd have actually retired after DT7. And while I didn't hate Under The Dome...what a wasted oppourtunity that was.

06-26-2014, 08:26 PM
I think Mr. Mercedes is good enough as a stand-alone novel, so I'm curious to see where King takes it from here.


In just a few short strokes on the keyboard you contradict yourself completely.

06-27-2014, 07:53 AM
No I didn't. I said I liked it as a stand-alone book AND AS A RESULT OF THAT, I'm curious to see how SK makes it into a trilogy.

07-02-2014, 10:44 AM
I thought it was very readalbe, engaging, and I never got bored with it. It isn't exactly earth shattering, and I didn't expect it to be. It is exactly what it purports to be, a detective novel. It has some flaws, namely in character developement. Holly stands out as being a poorly sculpted character IMO. Everything about her screamed pouty,sullen teenager....except her age. It was quite jarring for me when I discovered she was 40 years old and it never felt right to me. Also the interaction between Jerome and Holly seemed forced and irritatingly flirty which did not sit well with me considering their age difference. Also, I thought it was pretty lame that King used the name Jerome as a name for the main characters sidekick given the character from Duma Key. Final thought, it would have made a better ending for Hodges not to make it.

07-03-2014, 05:55 PM
I must agree with you, BC, on the flirty stuff between Holly and Jerome. Kinda odd and creepy.

07-03-2014, 06:02 PM
I think they're going to wind up as a duo together, an odd couple. Young black, old white, ying and yang etc. Holly's mental immaturity is pretty clearly explained, it's why she comes off as sounding so young.

07-12-2014, 04:34 AM
[I'm only at page 270 so I've scrolled through the entire thread to avoid spoilers.]

I got to the part where Brady's mother eats the hamburger meat meant for the dog. I was like "Yes!" [I may have even raised a fist in triumph]
I like seeing this little creep's plans fall to shit.

07-12-2014, 06:57 AM
I liked that part. She was a fairly despicable character herself, if not somewhat pitiable.

07-12-2014, 07:01 AM
Yeah. I just read the part last night that told the story of what happened to Brady's younger brother. The entire thing was sad, and made me feel pity for both (young) Brady and his mother. But, still, the two are disgusting and vile. I'm glad she's dead because now I don't have to read about the gross interactions between the two of them. [shudders]

07-12-2014, 07:03 AM
Yeah, her actions during the death of the little brother was the main thing I found despicable in her character, but I wasnt sure if you had read that part.

07-12-2014, 07:07 AM
I guess I should have clarified that the stuff leading up to his death made me feel pity for them.
The death part was absolutely despicable.

07-12-2014, 07:14 AM
The mother was equally pitiable and loathsome.

07-12-2014, 07:22 AM
Speaking as a mother with a son, those two really made my stomach turn.
Sometimes I don't see how Stephen King even touches on the stuff he does without feeling the need to clean himself with a scouring pad after writing. :lol:

Of course, it's good writing that can do that to you.

07-12-2014, 09:12 AM
Yeah, the mother/son part was seriously yucky. But when she died, it was like a light at the end of the tunnel. Gotta feel sorry for the little brother though. The really disgusting part is that I have no trouble believing this could actually happen, which makes my skin crawl even more. SK just always knows how to press those buttons!

07-12-2014, 01:01 PM
Yeah, the mother/son part was seriously yucky. But when she died, it was like a light at the end of the tunnel. Gotta feel sorry for the little brother though. The really disgusting part is that I have no trouble believing this could actually happen, which makes my skin crawl even more. SK just always knows how to press those buttons!

Sometimes I wonder how, Tabitha can crawl into the same bed with him!!!

07-14-2014, 04:41 PM
Well I just finished it. I liked it. It was a fast read I found which tells me it is enjoying but it felt a little like an episode of Criminal Minds or any crime show on tv right now. I think if it is going further than King should pull out all the stops on making it more creepy and maybe a stronger villain. It wasn't bad though. I hope his next book Revial is great.... I want more DT stories. Haha

07-14-2014, 05:11 PM
Yeah, the mother/son part was seriously yucky. But when she died, it was like a light at the end of the tunnel. Gotta feel sorry for the little brother though. The really disgusting part is that I have no trouble believing this could actually happen, which makes my skin crawl even more. SK just always knows how to press those buttons!

Sometimes I wonder how, Tabitha can crawl into the same bed with him!!!

My boyfriend claims to sleep with one eye open due to my reading and watching preferences. I wonder if Tabitha sleeps at all!!

07-17-2014, 04:49 AM
I finished it last night. I really enjoyed it. I'm anxious for the next book. :)

I really didn't even sense the situation between Jerome and Holly to be a flirtation. (maybe I'm completely oblivious though). I just saw it as Jerome, being the mature teenager that he was, knowing how to playfully interact with the adult who is clearly unstable.

07-17-2014, 07:30 AM
That's exactly how I saw it too, Amanda.

07-17-2014, 09:43 AM
Well, RICH and unstable.

07-22-2014, 09:18 PM
For me, this book was definitely a hit and miss. I really did not like Hodges AT ALL! I can't pin point many of the reasons, but I just couldn't feel much empathy for him. Not saying it's Stephen King's fault or anything, this time it's purely personal (unless you can relate then let me know)
In saying that, I loved Brady. He really made the book for me, from the first introduction and the various plot points which more often then not just came out of no where.
Another character I really enjoyed, which sadly came up in the last third of the book, was Holly. Although I found myself wondering if I only liked her because of her personality, which seemed to have changed (well because of her personal improvements etc) in Grey Mercedes part. Which, surprise surprise, only made me shrug.

So by the end I found myself hoping Brady's plan for final darkness would come true, the way he is still alive seems now like a cruel joke.

Sigh, anyway!
I now find myself wanting the next book in my hands, so in the end i'm probably just hypocritical.

07-27-2014, 05:47 PM
Anyone feel this was real similar to Big Driver? The internet sleuthing aspects of it, at least...

08-09-2014, 04:12 AM
Just watched this, interesting talk King gave discussing Mr Mercedes


Lost Rose
08-17-2014, 09:05 AM
I liked it a lot better than Dr. Sleep...It was a good read..not his greatest but it was really good

08-17-2014, 12:56 PM
Glad you enjoyed it, Rose. I have to say though, I really liked "Dr. Sleep". It was like meeting an old friend after 30 years.

08-18-2014, 12:26 PM
I finished this last week, and while it was not my favorite King book, I will say I laughed as loud as my wife when she reads the Evanovich books. The scene with Brady's mother eating the meat is one I will never forget. I had to put the book down as I was reading it. Maybe I was overtired, I don't know, but it was hysterically funny!

I am looking forward to another trip with Hodges and company.

08-20-2014, 02:00 AM
I heard that in the original version of Mr. Mercedes and in the german version are different mercedes' Cars, in english Mercedes SL500 V12 from 2004
here a picture http://wiki.stephen-king.de/index.php/Datei:2004_Mercedes_SL500.jpg But the SL 500 has not V12 just V8 only the S 600 has V12 (V=cylinder)

and in the german version it is a S 600 V12 http://angebote.autoscout24.de/Mercedes-Benz-S-600-C-SEC-V12-Coupe-Vollausstattung-Benzin-Silber-226227798

When you compare it directly it looks very smaller but the Sound of "SL500" when you speak it out or read it is different, so it is obviously a literally decision.

08-21-2014, 06:33 AM
The scene with Brady's mother eating the meat is one I will never forget. I had to put the book down as I was reading it. Maybe I was overtired, I don't know, but it was hysterically funny!

That part was awesome. :lol:
I felt such satisfaction when I read it.

09-01-2014, 03:45 PM
Just finished. Was a really quick read. I have to agree, some of it wasn't too subtle.
I also found what I think is a mistake that should have been caught by the proofers. Anyone else?
Hm. Can't get the spoiler thing to work?

09-01-2014, 03:46 PM
I found about five.

10-30-2014, 09:12 AM
I liked it well enough. Had no problem with the villain or the cop. Jerome was okay, though I'm not sure too many black 17-year olds would go around affecting plantation-slave stepinfetchit ebonics as a character trait.

My main quibble was with the introduction of Holly about 2/3rds of the way into the novel. Here's this nervous, somewhat mentally challenged chick who seems scared of her own shadow, and in the span of 3 pages becomes a cross between Wonder Woman and Clarice Starling. There's your Mary Sue. I mean, WTF? The way she figured out the basement computer arrangement and passwords and such was completely unbelievable, to name one example.

But that aside, it kept my interest and suspense. I look forward to reading a sequel.

10-30-2014, 09:50 AM
I liked it well enough. Had no problem with the villain or the cop. Jerome was okay, though I'm not sure too many black 17-year olds would go around affecting plantation-slave stepinfetchit ebonics as a character trait.

My main quibble was with the introduction of Holly about 2/3rds of the way into the novel. Here's this nervous, somewhat mentally challenged chick who seems scared of her own shadow, and in the span of 3 pages becomes a cross between Wonder Woman and Clarice Starling. There's your Mary Sue. I mean, WTF? The way she figured out the basement computer arrangement and passwords and such was completely unbelievable, to name one example.

But that aside, it kept my interest and suspense. I look forward to reading a sequel.

You know.... I totally agree. I also wanted it to be more dark... it seemed light. I liked the lead and I look forward to more BUT it would be nice to have more intrigue...

10-30-2014, 06:24 PM
I liked it well enough. Had no problem with the villain or the cop. Jerome was okay, though I'm not sure too many black 17-year olds would go around affecting plantation-slave stepinfetchit ebonics as a character trait.

My main quibble was with the introduction of Holly about 2/3rds of the way into the novel. Here's this nervous, somewhat mentally challenged chick who seems scared of her own shadow, and in the span of 3 pages becomes a cross between Wonder Woman and Clarice Starling. There's your Mary Sue. I mean, WTF? The way she figured out the basement computer arrangement and passwords and such was completely unbelievable, to name one example.

But that aside, it kept my interest and suspense. I look forward to reading a sequel.

You know.... I totally agree. I also wanted it to be more dark... it seemed light. I liked the lead and I look forward to more BUT it would be nice to have more intrigue...

Admittedly, I am an "Old School" reader, but isn't it a sad commentary on present day society (and I do not mean this personally in any way to the members quoted) that folks don't find a guy that wantonly runs down over a dozen or so folks at a "Job Fair" and is planning a "Mass-Massacre" after brutally killing his, Mother to be "not dark enough"???? However, given some of the real life actual scenario's we have witnessed in recent years I may be way off base.

10-30-2014, 07:22 PM
You have a good point, Ebola, in 1929, six gangsters (gangstas) and their mechanic were lined up and shot. This was referred to as "The Saint Valentine's Day Massacre."

Would 7 gangstas be a "massacre" today?

12-29-2014, 04:21 AM
Hey folks,

haven't read the last 3 pages, as i am still somewhere at 50% of the book , but ... serious ... i don't know ...

DR. Sleep, Joyland & Wind have been no brainer - i just rushed through them in one step - but Merceds took me 5-6 attempts until half of the book.
When i am done with my chapter i just put it down and forget it for a few days or weeks... just don't "got me" until now.

I don't know, for me its one of this rare kings with many words but less to say like Cell or Blaze ( only the personal opinion of the post creator ;D )

For me it feels like its from this area 2006/7 and just published in 2014 - I would be surprised if he actually really wrote it this year
as it doesn't fit to his last books.

He really got speed and pressure in the latest books, and this is exactly the opposite.

Anybody else how can share my thought , or is it just me ?

Bev Vincent
12-29-2014, 06:02 AM
He started writing it in 2012.

12-29-2014, 09:03 AM
I know what you mean, but I actually really liked Mr. Mercedes (I'm about 250 pages into Revival and am not liking it as much). MM was a pretty light summer read, but it was a lot of fun.

02-04-2015, 04:57 AM
Just finished mr. Mercedes and I have to say it was a tough read for me. Not really enthralling until the last 50 pages or so. I thought Brady was a little unbelievable just for the fact he was able to obtain plastic explosive so quickly. Jerome was fine, hodges was fine, holly was all over the place.

02-16-2015, 08:06 AM
This was a very quick read for me I do agree with a earlier poster who said it felt a lit Koontzesque in style & feel a decent 7/10

Strangely the last King book I read that felt like a return to his earlier glories wasn't by him but by his son N0S4R2 felt more like King than this

06-14-2015, 07:57 AM
I thought I was reading Intensity by Koontz. Except that book was better. Fast paced, a cool, calculated (but batshit) villain who doesn't fall apart when the action starts. Actually, if anyone really liked Mr. Mercedes and is looking for more of the same, Koontz's thrillers are where it's at.

Uncle Steve is losing me again. Doctor Sleep was all right, this book was all right too, 11/22/63 was all right. Joyland was fantastic though.

I enjoyed the ride and its maniacal pace. There were some neat turns of the phrase, some really touching moments and dialogue but Top Tier King this is not.

Lastly, this is the fourth book in a row that reads and feels the same. I mentioned this in my thoughts on 11/22/63 too. It's almost like he finished it, pushed the manuscript to the side and said, "Now to the next one."

I had the same feeling with Under the Dome. But that book has been "rescued" with a second book and a TV series.


If one is satisfied with a decent detective novel...Mr. M will fulfill that role.

What second book are you referring to about the dome?

06-14-2015, 05:51 PM
I really enjoyed, "Dr. Sleep", "11/22/63", "Joyland","Mr. Mercedes" and "Finders Keepers". "Revival" was okay, but perhaps not up to par though it did have a good ending, as with the last 5 or 6 novels. JMHO I especially enjoyed, "Dr, Sleep" as I think it was a very good bookend to "The Shining".

07-22-2015, 09:40 AM
I just finished Mr. Mercedes a few days ago. Overall, I thought it was just ok. I enjoyed Brady as the villain, along with the creepy relationship he had with his mother. My biggest problem was Holly. She shows up more than halfway through the novel, and is completely unstable. Yet, somehow she manages to figure out Brady's computer system in order to track him down, and then incapacitates him at the end in order to come out as the hero?! It just seemed too far-fetched.

Even though Finders Keepers is part two of the trilogy, I'm really hoping Holly is not part of the story.

07-22-2015, 02:23 PM
Brian, I just can't agree about your feelings about Holly. She's a damaged person, yes, but I kind of picture her as a kind of savant regarding the computer. Her growth during the novel is intriguing.


07-22-2015, 04:03 PM
I love Holly, but I can understand why some don't.

07-22-2015, 04:11 PM
I think I would have been fine if Holly was just the computer whiz. But knocking Brady out was too much. That should have been Hodges.

07-22-2015, 05:31 PM
But Hodges was in the middle of a heart attack.

07-22-2015, 05:55 PM
But Hodges was in the middle of a heart attack.

Valid point John. Was still just a little too much for me.

07-23-2015, 04:55 AM
I didn't mind it. I just considered it "character growth".
To each his own...

05-11-2021, 12:37 AM
damn this is an old thread but i started this about a year or two ago i really don't remember i read #196 pages of it and than lost interest in reading anything and it wasn't cause the book was bad it was just that i just didn't feel like reading anything that's all. than i lent some King books to a friend she wanted to read some so i'd say it was 98% paper backs and a couple hardbacks it got me in the mood to read some King again and it was a fantastic feeling as i haven't read a single book this year thus far anyways. well i'm now on page #317 i've only got #120 pages left of the book and so far while it is a good book it's not gonna be among my favorites well yet anyways but who knows what i will think of it i haven't Finished it yet.

i haven't seen the show either

05-12-2021, 04:32 PM
damn this is an old thread but i started this about a year or two ago i really don't remember i read #196 pages of it and than lost interest in reading anything and it wasn't cause the book was bad it was just that i just didn't feel like reading anything that's all. than i lent some King books to a friend she wanted to read some so i'd say it was 98% paper backs and a couple hardbacks it got me in the mood to read some King again and it was a fantastic feeling as i haven't read a single book this year thus far anyways. well i'm now on page #317 i've only got #120 pages left of the book and so far while it is a good book it's not gonna be among my favorites well yet anyways but who knows what i will think of it i haven't Finished it yet.

i haven't seen the show either

WTF???????? LOL

05-12-2021, 04:33 PM
damn this is an old thread but i started this about a year or two ago i really don't remember i read #196 pages of it and than lost interest in reading anything and it wasn't cause the book was bad it was just that i just didn't feel like reading anything that's all. than i lent some King books to a friend she wanted to read some so i'd say it was 98% paper backs and a couple hardbacks it got me in the mood to read some King again and it was a fantastic feeling as i haven't read a single book this year thus far anyways. well i'm now on page #317 i've only got #120 pages left of the book and so far while it is a good book it's not gonna be among my favorites well yet anyways but who knows what i will think of it i haven't Finished it yet.

i haven't seen the show either

WTF???????? LOL

You may want to proof read your posts in the future. Just a thought.

05-12-2021, 06:03 PM
i try to but sometimes i can't control how i type things and i just say screw it i guess i just type differently than most people do lol

05-13-2021, 04:35 AM
Some punctuation and maybe a capital letter or two might help. Just sayin...

05-13-2021, 03:26 PM
sorry about that i do try and do that but i've always been terrible at it i dunno why but i am and i'd like to think i don't always do it but i dunno how often i do or when i do it? in short i just type whatever comes to mind i try and type it in a way it makes sense but it's just doesn't always come out that way for some reason

05-13-2021, 03:27 PM
oh i forgot to say i did finish the book today and i enjoyed it i dunno if it's gonna be among my favorites but i did enjoy the novel

05-03-2024, 07:14 AM
The Losers Club podcast episode on the novel:
