View Full Version : Charlie The Choo Choo 'minor spoilers'

01-06-2011, 07:30 AM
Something that has always confused me about the connection between Blaine and Charlie The Choo Choo, I assumed the women who wrote the book maybe had some knowledge of Blaine, and is implied she wrote the book to warn the Ka Tet, but when Jake see's Charlie in Topeka, why does it flash its light at him? was it Jakes Imagination or was Charlie in that version of Topeka Blaine in another form?

01-07-2011, 05:56 PM
The way I read it, the author (can't recall her name at the moment) wrote Charlie the choo choo to warn the Ka Tet about Blaine (all things serve the beam after all) as for the light flashing at Jake, I would be inclinedto think Jake Imagined it, the poorfella had been through a lot.